Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Life Without Me

I have bin wanting to blog for a while now. So whats stopping me? I wonder.. Well as dramatic as I am... I wanted to start with something good.. if not great. So in search of something good.. I had not even produced something acceptable.. this is such a typical scenario in most of our lives..

Well, I finally landed with a thought, or a topic if you will, from a blog I read recently about life and the reason to live it.. and then I wondered what would my life be without me?? 'Most pathetic' was my guess.. so in the most ordinary albeit true revelation, I understood that life was given to you to live it..

You may have a lot of trouble doing just that. It definitely is not as easy as it sounds. A lot of people have a problem just getting on with their chores, leave alone living life to the E. I for one cannot follow a routine and cannot get things done unless reminded a thousand times. But I think that is where the life of life is. Hmmm 'Life of Life' does sound interesting. Well, anyways my point is, just imagine everything you ever wanted in your life was handed to you.. soon as you desired it. You would soon grow tired of it, or probably be wanting more. So, to realize the Value of something, you should earn it. This is true for every object, person or belief in life.

The discussion that triggered my thought process was, why should we endure pain? Is time really a healer? Is life really so important? My answer to that is a Yes. When I was thinking about it, I asked myself what is the worst that has happened in your life? When did you feel living was the greatest misery? The answer came almost at once. It was when I lost my Dad. I hardly ever talk about it. And even today it is hard to not think of him without a tear.

When I lost him, I was a kid and definitely naive enough to be called that. It would take me hours to stop crying and sometimes it would take me days to get back to life. Then one fine day I was better. I stopped crying. I went to college and had fun with my friends. Now an occasional tear, and probably a gloomy day once in a while. I moved on.. and so did life. Exams, preparations, friends, party, love...

It took me an year to get over the pain, and the loss. It took my mom several of those painful years. It may take longer for you. But you will get over it, whatever your griefs may be.

Time is definitely a healer folks. The purpose of life is to live it. And yes your life without you will be pathetic too... so keep hoping, keep loving and keep living.... :) Adios


  1. That's pretty good... So you are on of those Glass Half - Full gals.... I like it!! Both the post and the outlook.. Keep it up! Love.. Sri

  2. wow..i was not expecting this..nice thought keep it up..but don't get too sentimental while writing..loved it though...

  3. :) "ur life without u" ... a very beautiful thought.
